The full story remains yet unwritten, but here are a few tidbits…
Anita Flushing was born in Southern California in the days of orange groves and no traffic. Orange County was a baby, and many from Los Angeles were migrating to this up-and-coming city. It was a big deal when Winchell’s Donuts opened up shop in addition to the Market Basket grocery store.
During regular visits to her grandparent’s house, Anita’s grandfather frequently inquired about her bathroom habits so perhaps it was in those regular question sessions that Bathroom Prayers originally birthed. Anita doesn’t quite know why he was so interested in her movements but, as it’s been said, “Inquiring minds want to know.” Ms. Flushing stayed in the Orange County into adulthood and marriage at 20 years old.
Ms. Flushing came alive when her husband left after over two decades of marriage. She started life anew at 43 years old with virtually nothing but a few kitchen items and some living room furniture. But, as always, she landed on her feet! She discovered what she was made of…and she likes who she has become.
During the winter months, Anita sits in grand style on her terrycloth toilet seat cover – she’ll never again suffer from the stark reality of cold buns in the wee hours of the morning. It’s the best $10.00 investment she ever made!
Ms. Flushing believes life starts at 40, and it just gets better and better if you allow it to. Having made a major relocation to the South in her mid-50’s, she lives a simple life of self-empowerment, and her spiritual life stays vibrant as she reads the Bible daily and spends time with her Husband and Maker, Jesus Christ.
Ms. Flushing believes that all of life is the result of the millions of decisions we make every day, and each day consists of the decisions we made the day before so make them count.
If Ms. Flushing could share anything with you, she would say, “Forgive much, love much, expand your horizons, and don’t waste the precious days given to you as a gift because there are no promises for tomorrow or even the next hour.”